Saturday, 9 March 2013

A Soft Day, Wrapped In Mist and Rain

Tuesday this week was utterly, utterly glorious. The first taste of spring, and oh, how ready I was for it. Not that I thought it would last, it is too early in the month for pure unbridled spring, but I had hoped that it would flirt with us a little longer. It has though, got steadily cooler, and when I woke this morning and looked out of the kitchen window, everything was shrouded in mist. I like misty days, somehow everything feels muffled and gentle and just different. The mist had cleared by lunch time today, to be replaced first by a soft drizzle of rain, but it steadily increased to an insistent persistent downpour. We had book group this evening, and I sat drinking tea and discussing The Little Stranger by Sarah Waters, listening to the rain tapping against the conservatory roof. I wouldn't want too many days of so much rain, but today it just felt nice. I had a busy end to my week - I am on leave next week and wanted to leave everything in order before I left for the day. I didn't quite get there, I have some work that I will need to do tomorrow, but suddenly to have a whole week ahead of me - that feels nice. Expect some more frequent posts next week! I am thinking also of putting on one of those gadgets that gets you to authenticate before leaving a comment. I had 27 comments to moderate when I logged on just now - an unprecedented number, which told me something was up - but every last one was spam. Sigh!


Tash said...

Hello Mimi!

I was driving in yesterday's mist and fog and I must say I'd rather have been inside watching it than driving in it!

I miss the weather from the beginning of the week; I think it got up to 14ÂșC and the sun was such a welcome presence.

Have a lovely week off - it sounds like you deserve it :)


Alison said...

Have you noticed, every other Tuesday Spring teases us with a taste of what could be. Then retreats and lets Winter wrap icy fingers around our necks. Having said that, its not officially Spring until March 20th. I just hope the memo on that makes it to the desk of the Gods of Weather.

And I can assure you, I'm not spam. Not even the canned variety.

Ali x

crystal said...

sounds like the perfect day to me :)
hope you enjoy your week :)

Dinahsoar said...

So sorry you are getting spammed. I wanted to tell you that your blog is one of the rare blogs that needs no pictures. You paint pictures with your images needed. You really have a gift. I love reading about the seasons and your daily life in your corner of the world.