Sunday, 2 December 2012

Scents, Sights and Sounds of the Christmas Season

Although my Christmas preparations may start much earlier in the year, as I like to make my own cards and a lot of my gifts, Christmas proper never starts before December, as it feels too early otherwise.

It was lovely for me that December 1st fell on a Saturday, so we could spend the first day of advent decorating and enjoying the first day of the season properly. We have our white tree up, hung with red baubles. We have red tinsel nestled on the windowsill and draped along bookshelves, and some giant red honeycomb paper balls hanging from the season. We have our red throw on the sofa, and I have lots of jam jars dotted about the room, tied with red-and-white-polka-dotted ribbon, with a candle inside.

We also have some vintage honeycomb paper decorations up, which I bought at a vintage fayre a few weeks ago. They are delightful, and I like to think of how many Christmasses they have seen.

In the afternoon, we walked out into the icy cold afternoon, the air nipping at our cheeks, and into the hustle and bustle of the town. We had gingerbread lattes and a walk through the park. On our way to the park, we stopped at a flower stall on the market, and Carl bought us a simply huge bouquet of mistletoe, which came wrapped in brown paper. It was beautiful to carry, and I can't wait to hang it up!

Just as he was paying for it, the Salvation Army band started playing 'Joy to the World' which is one of my favourite Christmas carols.

This morning, we woke up to the smell of tinsel, the lights of the tree, and I feel so Christmassy and happy. I hope you are having a lovely first weekend in advent,

Love Mimi xxx

1 comment:

Dinahsoar said...

What a perfect lovely day!

I've been wanting a white tree and this was the year I was buying one--but it appears we will be moving just prior to Christmas, so I am not going to put up a tree were we now live only to have to take it down in 2 weeks...and not sure what size tree I'll want in the new house. I've been using a 4ft tabletop tree, but I may want a larger tree in a larger space.

I love the sound of your decorations, especially the vintage honeycomb ones...stuff of my youth and I adore it!