Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Catching Up

I am still feeling a little overwhelmed by things at the moment. A big part of it is the PCOS, and then there seem to be a myriad of little things that add up to big things and take up my time. My phone, for one. It died, and the phone company kindly sent a new one. When I put in the SIM card from the old one, I thought it would have all my phone numbers on it….but no. And do I have them written down, in a sensible manner? No! So I have been wanting to text Tash to say thank you for the wonderful spirit-lifting parcel she sent, and have been unable to. I have meant to give her a ring (I have landline numbers written down, but not mobiles, how odd!) but the evenings have skipped past, and here I am.

A lot of my time has been spent in reading, reading, reading, everything I can lay my hands on to do with PCOS. If I had to boil all that information down, I would say:

1) Don’t panic, it is not the end of the world.
2) Do lots of exercise
3) Eat a low GI diet

And as such, I have been trying hard to do all of these. 2) and 3) help me do 1) by making me feel I am taking control, but both take up lots of time! As far as 2) goes, I have been bad at walking to work but good at going to the gym and going swimming. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed swimming, and the only thing that would make it nicer, apart from lovely changing rooms, would be a swimming hat with flowers on it, in the style of Esther Williams. I have also found a lot of my time taken up by 3) in the reading of Low GI cook books, and then the shopping and cooking, and happily the eating! Although the concepts behind it are not difficult, it does require a bit of a mind shift.

But, I am getting there.

I don’t want to dwell on this business too much, because I do love my blog to be a happy place, and I am aware that my innards are probably not fascinating reading for you, or the loveliest thing to read about over a nice cup of tea. But sharing here really helps, it really does, so if I do make little forays into PCOS world, I hope you will bear with me, and accept my offer of a fresh-baked wholemeal apricot and apple muffin!

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