Saturday, 27 May 2006

Changes Are Afoot

I blame it entirely on Ten Years Younger you know. Not that I want to look ten years younger (as much as I enjoyed being 14, I am not sure I would want to return!) more, I just want to look more polished, and take a little preventative action on the ageing front.

So, first things first. One of the things I dislike most are my bottom teeth. Mum believes that you should not have cosmetic dentistry, unless it was a necessity, and my slightly crooked bottom teeth did not count as a necessity. Looking back, I think I am glad, but all the same, I have one tooth on the bottom row set ever so slightly back from the others, and ever so slightly overlapped by the teeth either side. Looking at me you would probably not notice, but I know it is there, and call it my Witches Tooth. (Delightful, this image of myself I am painting, yes?!) Because the other teeth cast a slight shadow on it, it always to me looks slightly darker than the others. Again, I have never caused children to run away screaming, but I know it is there. So I went into wonderful Boots, and bought their own brand tooth whitening gel. It was just over £8 so while I was hoping it would work, I did have realistic ideas about to what degree. I must say I am verypleasantlyy surprised though- you are meant to use it for a week, then just touch up monthly. It has been four days, and I am whiter already. And it is easier to use than I thought- you brush a gel on each tooth, then another gel, thendon'tt drink or eat for 30 minutes, and if you are me, go about the house with your teeth bared saying 'are they whiter yet Carl, are they whiter yet?!'

Next stop was the Clinique counter. When I was younger, and lived at home, and had more money, I had a monthly Dermalogica Facial and used their products religiously. Now I have less time and money, (I can scare believe I spent that much time or money on such things- but it was years ago now, and perhaps the profligacy of youth can be forgiven!) I just use a St Ives face wash in the shower, and a St Ivesmoisturizerr afterwards (they were on buy one get one free). They were not really doing anything for me at all, so I got myself skin typed, and have been using my new Clinique products for four days also. They say two weeks of use will show a difference, but I believe I am looking a little moretranslucentt already.

It doesn't stop there...Butt still, I really do blame it entirely on Ten Years Younger, I really, really do.

I used to wear flat shoes all the time- dear Carl is a little shorter than me, and I don't like to tower over him. It was not until back in February when he bought me a divine pear of pointy-toed low heeled shoes that I realised how clumpy and inelegant I feel in my normal shoes. Well horror, horror, these lovely shoes I have worn so much, they literally fell off my feet on the way to work a few weeks ago! I bought a cheap emergency pair of 'sensible' court shoes...which nearly crippled me. So I popped into New Look and bough an equally cheap (£12! Hurrah!) pair of pointy toed little heels, and I feel elegant again.

And still, there is more...this time the fault of both Ten Years Younger and my friend Julia who gave me a half price 'introduce a friend' voucher for the hairdresser she uses. It was doing her a good turn really, as if I used my voucher, she then got her next hair cut half price. I have not been to a hairdresser for a few months (well, since February!) and it was touching my shoulders. For as long as I can remember, I have had a centre parting. Five years ago I had waist length hair that if you are kind would say was light brown, or truthfully mousy. Over the last few years, it has got shorter until it was shoulder length, slightly wavy, a few layers- you get the picture. Well, I walked out of the salon with chocolate brown hair, a side parting and sideswept fringe (that I swore I would never have!) and sleek, very different hair.

Of course I proclaimed at once that I hated it, but now...I think...I maybe do! It is just so different- although I think the real test will be tomorrow morning, when I wash and dry it for myself!

So there you go. I have been busy. And I will be busy. I am drinking lots of water and green tea, eating lots of fruit, veg, seeds and things. I am cleansing, toning, moisturising twice a day; whitening my teeth; deep conditioning my hair; rubbing in hand cream and foot cream and buffing my nails. I am walking to work (and soon home again too) and just trying to take a little more care. And you know what I have learnt from all this, apart from how amazingly shallow I probably sound? I have learnt that having stopped focussing on weight and calories and started to think about health and wellbeing instead, it all seems so much easier.


Tracy said...

I like to watch Ten Years Younger, too! I have been enjoying reading your blog for a few weeks now. Hope you have an enjoyable weekend!

Anonymous said...

Shallow??? NEVER !!! Women should always do all that for themselves. We dont realise that if we start all these things when we are young we wont age as quickly. My mother is 83 and only looks about 70. She started moisterising when she was a teenager and she has never looked her age. Keep going girlfriend !!!