Wednesday, 2 April 2008

The Pause That Refreshes


I feel almost nervous as I type this in case there is nobody here anymore, that you have grown tired of waiting for me! If you were here with me now, I would pour you a cup of tea from my new blue teapot, and offer you a slice of home-made lemon cake so we could catch up.

The first couple of weeks I did not post, I was just so busy. I would form posts in my mind as I scurried from work to post office to shop to home, and then be too tired in the evening to do anything about them. Then there was a week or so when dear Carl was using the laptop, so no blogging for me! Then this last week has zoomed by. I have had a Seasonal Scrub whilst I have been away, and am now in the middle of a week off of work. While I was travelling home from Colchester after a work visit, it struck me quite suddenly that I really needed some time off of work. Although getting married was wonderful, I used up nearly all my leave, so the last time I had some real time off was August. I did not intend to have a break from blogging as well, but it came about spontaneously, so perhaps I needed it?

Anyway, the pause has been refreshing. I feel much happier for a few days off of work. I have been visiting, and been visited, pottered about, cooked and read. Oh, and had many cups of tea! I will post about these in a bit... I have been making blog resolutions too, and am all fired up to post more often, and with recipes and so on. I have photos to share with you, and little stories to tell, pictures to paint in words, and so much to share!

I feel this is a rather one-sided conversation. If I had you here with me, I could ask how you are, where you got that marvellous cardigan you are wearing, if you would like another biscuit with your tea...but as distance prevents this, I shall keep up my end of the conversation here, and promise you that if we ever do get to have tea together, I really shall let you get a word in edge-wise!


Anonymous said...

Hello Mimi, I'm glad you are back! Yours is one of my favorite blogs to read. I especially enjoy reading about your teas as well as your lifestyle. I live in California and enjoy your first hand account of living in the UK. Your openess and joy of life is so refreshing.

Anonymous said...

MIMI!!!!So glad you are back! I am now very happy! Glad that you had some time off, everyone deserves a break....Take Care, Kathy L