Saturday, 16 September 2006

Saturday Morning Musings

I have snatched five minutes from rushing round the library, which is frankly, twitchy today, to post some random musings, before I forget.

I happened upon this wonderful, darling skirt, and I really want to make it. I suspect payday (Friday) will see me rummaging through the ultrasuede on the market stall!

I went to a wedding last night. It was lovely, really, wonderful. It had a beautiful simple elegance to it- the bride carried a cloud of gypsophilla tied with organza ribbon for her bouquet...which I caught! She had made individual cupcakes for her wedding cake, and bought the flowers for the tables that morning. We arrived horribly late as we got very was in Chigwell, and we ended up in Barking- neither of which is anywhere near where we live, in Chelmsford! But we were made to feel welcome- and best of all- I did not stress. Being late for things makes me really stress usually. Even though our lift was late and we got lost, I did not get all hot and prickly as usual, but went with it- I was pleased.

Another thing- I saw a programme on Channel 4 about how obesity can be really quite dangerous in pregnancy, and even cause risk to the unborn child. I had never really thought about it. While I am not obese, or trying to get pregnant at the moment, I am a little heavier than I would like to be, and I am getting married next I have decided it is time to look at eating more wholefoods and seasonal fruit and veg, and cutting out some of the chocolate and bits.

As for exercise, plenty of nice long walks in the park, picking up autumn leaves and so on I feel. Definitley not wanting to diet which is a bad word in my book, just cut the sugar and up the good habits a bit!

Happy Saturdays everyone!


Miss Robyn said...

so, what will you do with your chocolate swap package ~ hmm?
cutting down meal portions is a biggie with losing weight.

Anonymous said...

I saw the Martha Show a few days ago where they made that skirt and it only took about ten minutes. It looked real cute but definitely for young things like you !!! Lets know how it went. Good Luck !

Unknown said...

Lots and lots of veggies must be the answer.

I'm looking forward to seeing your skirt. I'm so excited by the prospect of making one, but Ijust can't decide on colour.